All About Dawn

Friday, September 01, 2006

Spring Cleaning

I did a spring cleaning yesterday. Not my house but my friendship system.

You see, I had this friend of mine that I got to know when I was at KDF. We got pretty close, at least that was what I thought. We started off as colleagues, and I would said I rendered much help to her for her work. I help her drafted email, taught her how to talk to people diplomatically. I was there when she started to get involved with her boyfriend, I was the mediator for every single quarrel she had with her boyfriend then, I was there for her when they broke up. I bought her breakfast everyday from Mon to Fri for 2 years. Okie, not 100% of the days, at least 95%. In her work, we started off as peers. Soon, I became her reporting supervisor. I was guiding her the best I could, sometimes, I think I was doing her work. Sad, when her performances failed to impress management, I helped her to negotiate her terms for leaving. Basically, I thought I did what I can for her.

3 months ago, she left the company for greener pasture. Sadly, I was the last person to know where she was going. Then she disappeared. She knew the difficulties that I was going through due to family matter before she left, she still chose to disappear. Out of the company, out of my life. Okie, I was reasonable. I had learnt not to expect friends to be around during crisis. Come on, they had their own life to lead, so what to expect. But, totally disappearance for someone once that close was pretty unacceptable.

Suddenly, last week she sent me an email asking me how I was coping, after 3 and half months. I did not reply because I was so sick of repeating my story again and again. She called, and I refused to answer her call. I finally told her not to call again, it was okie. She can remain as my acquaintance and that was it. Well, very her, she gave me all kind of reasons why she disappeared. Mainly she was too busy to even respond an sms. I did something real nasty, the first in my life. I told her, it does not matter anymore. She was out of my system. I was not bitter just indifference to her and her existence. I did my best for her and if that was how she was to react, there was nothing I can do. Spring clean her out of my system. Honestly, she does not matter anymore.


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