All About Dawn

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I know recently I seem to be more demanding. It can be on friends or simply on people that I love. Then I realised yesterday that maybe, maybe it was because of the many demands that my dad made on me.

Not that I mind, yet it can be tiring. Yesterday, I suddenly receive a call at about 8plus to 9 at night. An unfamiliar number and then I realised it was my dad's friend. He said, your dad want u to buy him a packet of peanuts, those non salty and without shells. I said okie but I can only do it today. So everyday, I received different requests for different things. Last Thursday nite was about rushing home to get him the medicine, then wanted to eat different food on different days. Today has to be fried bee hoon. Last Sunday at 6plus am is about wanting to see a doctor for itchiness and I had to tell him that the clinic was not open yet. It was like the requests were only made to me. Honestly I was not angry just a bit tired and I felt bad if I did not adhere to his requests. Today, I visited him and a nurse told me that my dad talked alot about me during his daily bath. Suddenly at that moment, all that requests and sometimes demands seem alright to me.

Then, I realised a greater truth. It was when we were insecure of that person's love, that we became demanding. Take for example, a couple had some misunderstanding and the wife began to exhibit behaviours that demanded the husband's attention and wanted the husband to apologise first. The behaviours of the wife simply show that she was unsure that her husband's love for her was great enough to make the husband apologise first. Thus, she used the easier way, demanded for it in her own ways. When people made demands, it was often a cry for help disguised in a manner that protect. So, I guess my dad just want to know that I still love him and I still do, with or without his demands.


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