All About Dawn

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Let's Talk About Money!

Use money, bless people. Yet, many use people, bless money. I have heard many said that money is not everything. But, the way to a man's heart, often tie closely to his pocket.

2 months ago, my hubby suddenly asked for my account no. He said he would like to give $200 monthly to me as shopping allowance. So, for the past 2 months, he would wired the money to my account upon receiving his salary(I even forgotten about it this month). To me, is such a nice gesture. It is not the amount, just a very nice thought. I have seen many husbands complained about the spending habits of their wife. Few instead of complaining, chose to give allowance for shopping. When I asked him how he think I should spend the money, he said anything, be it pedicure or manicure. What more can I expect?

When my hubby is still single, he gave 25% of his salary to his parents. When we gotten married and have our own family, I know that he is still contributing the same amount to his parents. At one point, the thought of asking him to give less did cross my mind. But, I did not. I just tell him if he wants to give the same amount, please go ahead and if there is need for me to chip in more for our family, let's do it. Because I realise what would be the possible repercussions of asking him to give less to his parents? If we really believe in the mindset of abundance, I should not be restricting him? What type of values am I promoting to him, encouraging him to give less to people he love? I just have to trust him that he can and will manage his finance. Money can always be earned, once you break that in a man, it is difficult to regain back. Besides, we believe that our Father in Heaven always without failed provides for us in abundance now and ever. I am glad that I trust my man to manage what he earns and trust him to treat the people he loves in his life well. Remember, use money, bless people. Afterall, the old saying stays "Money is a tool, only useful when you are alive."


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