All About Dawn

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Just do not spilt that damm hotel bill - dude!
(Hey, the following content can be adult stuff... so either avoid reading this entry or simply grow up!)

I cherish my friends and keep in touch with them is always a pleasure. Recently I met up with a friend and the topic on relationship inevitably became part of the conversation. Well, afterall what can you expect out of girls right?

She was sharing about a married man getting interested in her. This girlfriend of mine, let's call her Ms attractive. Ms attractive is unmarried, nice, beautiful. As the conversation move on, I sensed that there is a certain degree of she liking him - the married man. So, I told her, as a friend, whatever her decision is, all I asked of her is to want her to take good care of herself. My main concern is not about whether the person is married or not married (okie okie... some of you may disagree), but I am more concerned with what she can get out of the relationship. Basically I want to her to ensure that she is not being taken for a good ride.

I told her about two friends that I know. Both are involved with married men. One of them strongly believe the man she was involved with, love her when all other signs are showing otherwise. One of the signs is the splitting of the hotel room bill. The man told her how much he loved her, both make love in a hotel (of course, since he is married) and at the end of the sessions spilt the hotel bills. Interesting...and to me is disgusting. Actually I do not really care what the male friends reading this blog think, but come on. This girl or woman already not getting the 100% of the man she love, 10% of his time, 10% of his attention and this Fu** man is spiltting the bill with her. If time and attention is what he cannot control and he had to proportion, that maybe understandable but... So, i told this story to Ms attractive and said, whatever you choose to do, just do me a favour, just do not ever come to a situation where you need to spilt the hotel bills. If this man ever did that, it is time for him to eat grass, afterall grass is for beast. I told her if she ever find herself in that situation, by hook and by crook, get herself out of the relationship. Because the longer she stays, she will lost herself. With that, bring to my mind a joke I heard, there are only 2 types of man not subjected to temptation. One without guts, the other without money. If he lack of either one, then he ought to behave.

Finishing off our afternoon tea, we parted with a common joke " Hey dude, just don't spilt that damm hotel bill. "


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