All About Dawn

Friday, July 28, 2006

Lord of The Ring - Revisited

In the dark caves of Moria, Fodo said, "I wished that the ring had not come to me."

Gandalf replied, "So do all who live to see such times but it is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

Though this is Hollywood, but it is still a meaningful quote. None of us would wish to be in the situation we are now. We have felt sadness, weariness and fear. So what shall we do? Nothing but to believe in God's Word. There is no other way. The odds are stacked against us but it's nothing to God. I asked God why healing seems more difficult than asking for other things like favour or protection. But God reminded me from Pastor's sermons that He is more than willing to heal!

Pastor said that we have no problem believing that God CAN heal but we got problem with whether God WILL heal. But in the scriptures, Jesus was willing to heal everyone. He was just what we expected of a healer. Jesus said that it is good that he leave us to go to heaven so that the Helper will come. So where we are right now should be better than if Jesus was on earth right?

Maybe we should leave the timing to God and use this time to believe in God and to confront doubts and fears with God's Word! Listen to annointed songs, hear annointed sermons and surround ourselves with these things. Your father shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord! God will deliver us and make all things work out for the good of those who love

Findings on Flea Market

Lime Flea Market
a) Open field opposite Youth Park
b) Every 2nd and 4th Sat of the month from 1pm to 8pm
c) Stash is toys and 2nd hand clothings and accessories
d) Crowd - Young teens and families

Flea Day
a) Timbre Bistro, 45 Armenian Street, the Substation Garden
b) Every month -next one on 29 July
c) Used clothes, accessories, retro gadgets and collectibles
d) Crowd - Casual, anyone who likes chilling out to good music, as indie bands perform at the same time

Zouk Flea and Easy
a) Zouk, 17 Jiak Kim Street
b) Every 3 months, on Sunday afternoons from 2pm to 7pm
Next one in late Aug.
c) DIY crafts, 2nd hand name-brand clothing
d) Crowd - Young, trendy Clubbers

a) Red dot museum, 28 Maxwell Road
b) Every Sunday from 11am to 7pm
c) Original jewellery, clothes, shoes and plush dolls
d) Crowd - Young, artsy professionals

Flea Day
a) Find out the schedule by joining the mailing list - or simply log on to
b) Vintage clothes, designer items, accessories, books and you name it.
c) Young people between 16-35, professionals, fashionistas, art lovers and professionals.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Stroller and The Wheel-Chair

This morning, I saw a young father taking much joy in pushing the stroller with his cute baby inside. I sensed his joy and pride.

And I was thinking, 50-60 years down the road, if the needs are reversed, what scenario will I get to see? Will I see a joyous son wheeling his father around when it comes a time when the father could not move around without the wheel chair?

Why often I do not get to see a son or daughter for that matter of fact joyfully do that for a Father?

Then again, I am just thinking.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Man And Animal

In the very earliest time,
when both people and animals lived on earth,
a person could become an animal if he wanted to
and an animal could become a human being.
(Daily, man struggling not to be an animal)
Sometimes they were people and sometimes animals
and there was no difference.
(If there is difference is because we chose to believe that. We acted alot more on our natural instinct that we actually know)

All spoke the same language.
(It could be the langauge of love, hate or simply the need to survive)
That was the time when words were like magic.
(Human kind take pride in our ability to speak. Often this ability could be the one that work against us than for us. How many wars are started because of mankind ability to speak? How many human kind have this ability work for them rather than against them?)

The human mind had myserious powers.
A word spoken by chance
might have stranged consequences.
It would suddenly come alive
and what people wanted to happen could happen -
all you had to do was say it.
Nobody could explain this:
That's the way it was.

_ Magic Words, by Edward Field
Inspired by the Inuit.

P.S: Words in purple are vocalised thoughts NOT by Edward Field